Dept.Sushi Campaign

Anywhere, Anyhow

Set in motion both digitally and as wild postings, the launch of DEPT.SUSHI was layed to feel like the ‘latest drop’ everyone wants to get their hands on. As the distinctive brackets showcasing names—of fashion stylists, life stylers, curators, foodies & models—stormed the social media platforms story threads, street wild postings showcased bigger-than-nature ecstatic people enjoying their sushi in an indoor pool, on the roof of a car, and in a groovy 1960’s motel room. The campaign expresses how the pink box is for Anyone, Anywhere & Anyhow—daring people to enjoy sushi in their most atypical moments.

Direction artistique,  Campagne,  Photoshoot,  Stylisme

Special thanks to

Creative, Art Direction by AWP

Concept, Casting by AWP

Photo : Alexis Belhumeur

Production : Émilie Mercier

Production Assistant : Aicha Baldé Morin

Styling : Maryline G. Leduc

MUAH : Claudine Jourdain

Models : Alexandra, Roy, Christine, Amélie, Jean-Philippe, Julie
